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If a motion control is indeed a fact,I think not only Banjo but a couple party games will be shown to work with this new controller.If this is actually going to come true,that would go a long way for the "casual crowd"...And Microsoft will grab the attention of the casual gamers.

As for halo,I think a Peter Jackson version will be shown first,then later this year or early next year a Bungie Halo 4 game will be shown afterwards.

I sure hope we get to see...

5828d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If Sony shows me the new team ICO game,uncharted 2,Jax and Dax 4,R&C quest for booty,God of war 3, I will be quite content.And what about those two new IP's the Australian OPM mag 's editor talked of a couple months ago.Supposedly two killer games.

Will Nintendo show Zelda?Or a new IP?

Microsoft will probably come up with two party games that work with the new remote. But I sure hope we see something new from them.A new triple A IP or two? More details on Gea...

5829d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It would (will ?) be nice to see more details on the big hitters like LBP (liguids please),Resistance 2,Killzone 2,Motorstorm.

But I sure hope they at least throw us a bone or two on games like "Team Ico's next game,Uncharted 2, R&C quest for booty,Jax and Daxter 4,God of War 3,Infamous,and what I think can be a major sleeper hit ... Beyond good & evil 2.

Plus heavy rain and Bayonetta,these games have me itching for more info...

5829d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Calling team ICO,calling team ICO?

I sure hope we get at least a crumb of info thrown to us at E3....

lots of great games to look forward to. Gears 2,Little big planet,Fable,God of war 3.Infamous (not on the list,for shame on them),Fallen 3,Resident evil 5,Prince of Persia,etc,etc...

I really want to see more on beyond good & Evil 2.

And I hope we get some info on Uncharted 2 and perhaps Jax and daxter 4? And while I am at it,ho...

5830d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Water, camera controls, gameplay recording, gravity tweaking all on the "to do list", that's fantastic news.

Water and or liguids would be my top choice to get done first. Liguids open up an almost infinite universe of gameplay options.

Camera controls would add depth and extra looks into levels. Gravity also is a must. Ok just put them all in media molecule LOL...

I cannot recall anticipating a game as much as I do this one. Creativity,s...

5831d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo 4,Halo wars,Peter Jackson's halo project are all something to look forward to.

As for one of the new IP's......I for one would like to see something more "quirky", a act/adv-platformer with a more caricature toonish style along the lines of Pixar.I think a game like that would be something special coming from them,and a breath of fresh air...

5832d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Major news on something LBP has me extra excited...

Give me something on these games,(beyond the main heavy hitters)any little something please....

Team Ico's next game

Jak and Dax 4

Uncharted 2

R&C quest for Booty

BG&E 2

5832d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually they are opening another studio in the North Carolina area.A satelite or call it Insomniac East if you will....

I would imagine they will be looking to start up with another all new IP.With Resistence you cover the shooters genre,R & C you cover the action adventure platformers,and then with the new studio we will have to wait and see what they got cooking....

They are looking to start in there at the beginning of 09'....

As long as th...

5834d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Love the company....

I was hoping to hear any tiny hint about "Quest for Booty"....Oh well,perhaps at E3?

5839d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks like no matter what we will be hearing something real soon,be it gamepro,any other mag and or E3....

While I want SotC2 as much or even more so than most,I am actually hoping for a "mix" of the original "ICO and SotC"...

Where we get the whole incredible ambiant style and gameplay of the original ICO, with todays brute power behind it, and play through a massive action adventure, puzzle solving, ICO game, but with a dozen or so boss sequ...

5843d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

My hopes are that we get news on uncharted in 3 weeks at E3. I'll be there,my 10th E3.And uncharted is one game hot on my list to get a look at,if it's there that is...

I am being a bit greedy here,but I am in high hopes of a "Jak and Daxter" sighting real soon, best of both Worlds is we get J&D 4 next Spring in a major surprise announcement with Uncharted coming next year in Fall 09'.

5843d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

gravity effects....Yup,real nice idea,and one that I would hope they hear about,these guys would figure out something to get gravity effects in the game.That opens up all kinds of extra gameplay ideas.

5843d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They may not have a mega large team in body count.....But they have a small team of highly skilled,creative talent,that look to have a totally innovative and stylish game coming real soon,and the sooner the better....

Being a CG artist for almost 20 years now,I cannot tell you how exciting it is to here about users creating content aswell.

Bring this game on now please!

5843d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

floorless levels? Thats a good guestion...

If not I figure you can create levels that have "vertical options",in which you can climb in many manners,once above "ground-level",you can then have the whole no ground directly below element.

Either way,this is along with Gears 2 my most anticipated game...

5843d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Totally true!

5848d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yup,yup & yup. Bubbles for you...

5848d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I pretty much agree....

I was thinking Gears 3 in 2010 for th next BOX however... Probably too ambitious,but here is to hoping.

5848d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I actually hope it's 2010....

As long as their is backwards compatibility.

Their is still 2 and a half years of primetime games coming for 360,3.5 years if the next Xbox comes in 2011.I think by Fall 09' we will see games top out graphics and gameplay wise,dev's will tweak and ring out as much juice as they can,but things will get topped out by Fall 09' pretty much,at that time I will really start to look for the next Box. E3 09' sounds about the right timje to s...

5848d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Shadow of the Colossus is a masterpiece.....

For team Ico's next masterpiece I would "wish" for a mix of the two games,Ico and SotC....

A game where we get to explore,solve puzzles,get the whole ICO gameplay experience and then mixed into this get the incredible boss battles of SotC. The best of both Worlds....

I cannot wait to see what they have cook'in....

5849d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Castle Wolfenstein? Or will "project Offset" make a triumphant return?

Forza 3 is a good quess too...

5854d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment